The gift of peace

A verse that has been on my mind a lot over the last week is John 14:27. I love the New Living Translation: “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

We Christians talk about free salvation but in that verse Jesus says peace is His gift to us, too!

But, you say, the disciples He was talking to in that verse weren’t facing covid-19. Correct. They were merely facing the threat of imprisonment or death from the Roman Empire and stoning from their own religious leaders, all for preaching about Jesus.

If Jesus’ peace was enough for them in their day it’s going to be enough for us today!

There’s another thing I like about that verse above. Let me set it up with the Great Commission. That’s where Jesus said we should reach out to people everywhere and share with them everything He taught us. John 14:27 is another thing Jesus taught us so we should share it because this peace “is a gift the world cannot give” to us. It’s a gift that only we can give - and that we should give to them!

We share peace when we show our unshakeable confidence in Jesus.

We share peace when our words are comforting and confident, not anxious and fearful.

We share peace when we repeat the words of Jesus.

We share peace when we pray with bold confidence (you can also send a prayer by text if you’re bashful).

And we can share peace by being available, even if right now it means only by phone or online.

So, fellow Christian, don’t just be at peace today, share the gift of His peace today!
