Interesting story about the Holy Spirit

There is an interesting story in Luke 2 just after Jesus is born. You can read it in its entirety by clicking here.

When Jesus is 8 days old His parents take Him to the Temple to present Him to the Lord, kind of like a child dedication ceremony. When they get there an old man named Simeon takes the baby Jesus in his arms and speaks a prayer of praise for Jesus being sent to us.

But here's the really cool part, three things said about him.

The Holy Spirit was upon Simeon. The Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon that he would live to see the Messiah, Jesus. And the very day that Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple, the Holy Spirit led Simeon to go there, too!

Do you need me to spell it out for you, what that could mean in our lives? Imagine. Being told about something big that was coming and then being led to be in the right place at the right time!

That's exactly what is meant by being led of the Spirit. He can lead us in what to say (as in the previous post), what to look for, where to be and more!

Ask the Holy Spirit to begin leading you, too, leading you to know, to hear, to see, to speak, to all areas of your life.
