But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26
Jesus calls the Holy Spirit our Helper. He will teach us what to pray for, nudge us when to pray, remind us of things to pray and more.
Jesus calls the Holy Spirit our Helper. He will teach us what to pray for, nudge us when to pray, remind us of things to pray and more.
Just as changing prayer from monologue into dialog takes prayer to a next level, the help of the Holy Spirit will increase it even more! In the last few chapters of the book of John, just before Jesus leaves the earth, I count 22 things Jesus tells the disciples about the Holy Spirit that we need to know today. But most people ignore the Holy Spirit in the same way many of us ignore God's voice when we pray. Begin this week, begin today to seek His help!
Over the next few days I want to share the powerful things the Holy Spirit, this Helper, can do for you and through you! To make sure you don't miss a post, enter your address above on the right in the "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" box. That way you'll be sure to receive notice when the next post on the Holy Spirit hits the blog.
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