goal of one

goals are much maligned in the church world today - some say if you set goals you're only interested in numbers - another crowd says if you don't set goals then you don't care about souls

at 29:11 we've set a goal for Easter - make of it what you will but give me a few seconds here

at 29:11 our Easter Sunday goal is one - 1 - just one singular person - that's all that's needed - it's what we're working for - each one of us - to bring one person to church that hasn't been in the last 6 months - or ever

just one

most of us aren't called to be billy graham and preach to tens of thousands - or even a local pastor and preach to several hundred - most of the impact for the kingdom of God is in the hands of one - one Christ-follower leading another one to find what they need in Christ

it's how we define a win for the kingdom at 29:11: helping one more person find peace in Jesus - or answers for their questions - forgiveness for yesterday - hope for tomorrow - life forever - joy for sorrow - healing for their pain - purpose for the future - strength for battles - etc

just one

with Easter sunday only three days away there isn't much time - but an invitation to Easter sunday services only takes a couple of minutes - what a difference that 2 minutes can make! - an eternal difference

so make up your mind - whatever church you regularly attend - this Easter set a goal of one!
