the subtle yet powerful difference

many in israel were complaining - and God was getting pretty ticked about it - so He told moses to select 70 men to help with the situation - qualifications? - only that they be already known as leaders or officials - that's it - wouldn't you think God would ask for more? - shouldn't they have great musical talents? - or speaking abilities? - or be tall? - people look up to tall people - seriously

but they needed no other qualification - other than what God would add to their past leadership experience - there's a great lesson - give God what you've got - He'll take care of the rest!

in numbers 11:17 God said He would take of the same Spirit He had put on moses and put it on these 70 men - and verse 25 said "when the Spirit rested on them they prophesied—but did not do so again" - we don't see them helping lead - or helping make decisions - we actually don't see anything else they did after this one brief time God used them

and it was perfect - God's plan always is - they prophesied - they spoke words to challenge the complainers - maybe it was encouragement - perhaps it was warning - but when they spoke people listened because God had directed moses to choose leaders! - and when true leaders speak others listen

the work of God's Spirit - beyond salvation - doesn't necessarily change us into something different - most often the Spirit of God empowers the person He already created you to be

your gifts and talents were given you by God - no reason to change those - just super-charge them with the power of the Spirit! - it may be a subtle difference - but it's a powerful one!

so who are you? - think about those 70 men who were known to be leaders - how do people know you? - what are you known for? - now dream - imagine - what could happen if you allowed the Spirit of God to empower in you those things you are known for? - to empower your already proven gifts and talents? - why not ask Him to? - ask Him to use your abilities to do awesome things for His kingdom - and for others - and expect it to happen! - it's a subtle - yet powerful - difference!
