Great Egg Drop is a wrap!

awesome community event today!

over 700 kids - of all ages - gathered in a field to watch a helicopter drop 5,000 plastic eggs filled with candy and certificates for prizes - we had a blast!

God really granted us favor - weather was perfect - field was loaned to us free - helicopter service cut their rate - local merchants kept on giving - and the emt's did not have to touch a single kid - we also made some great headway in reconnecting with our community

i didn't even see an egg on the ground - much less pick one up - it was like a swarm of locusts had run ahead of me - it took about 5 minutes for those kids to pick up all 5,000 eggs! check out the video of the kids below
lots of atta-boys and atta-girls deserved all around


  1. WOW - I am so glad yall had such a huge turnout and sounds like yall were blessed tremendously with weather, safety of kids, etch!


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